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I really understand the dilemma. I buy things and then I talk myself into keeping them. I've been trying to look around for things around here that I can pull out and haul up and SELL. I love the Coke tub 'thingy' that you have in your other post too. How perfect for drinks at a summer BBQ {that would be a lot of drinks}...

WAY COOL!!!! I have a section of 3 blades on the wall in my rural room...Keep it girl!!!!

Very Cool! I think it needs to live at your home! I'm sure you'll find the perfect place for it. See you at Farm Chicks!

XO Glad & Cel

Oh my goodness, how cool is that???? That would look really cool on your barn...I say put it up!!
Looking forward to seeing you at the FC show. Are you having your show this year??

That is such a cool find! How in the world did you get it home? I think it would look great on the side of your barn! Sometimes, we have to keep a find for ourselves, right? ~Leena~

you should keep it. you may never find another again!

KEEP IT!! I love it! Hope your doing well Rolane! Are you going to sell at or attend The Creative Conncection this year?

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